Tuesday, December 30, 2008

"There are as many nights as days, and the one is just as long as the other in the year's course. Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word 'happy' would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness."

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Mumbai terror attack a review

Mumbai terror attack on 26 Th Nov'08. Can we call it as a national shame?Yes i think most of the Indians feel their heads hang in shame. A mere number of 10 ( 10 or 24?) terrorist made our force go hay ware on 3 days of attack on Mumbai.
Why these politicians trying to
hang a tag on India that ours is a soft nation? After every attack there is one meeting of political party then comes a report that we going to do this that peace talks some more promises, blah blah.. then?? wot happens?
Now read this. Lt. General Sinha recently disclosed that in the last sixty years after independence the number of police stations in the country has increased by
a laughable 15 % over the figure of 12,000 that existed then.In the contrast our population has increased to four times during the same period.
Further, whatever police force available is overworked but unpaid, apart from being manipulated and exploited by their political bosses. They became servent of these politicians rather than the indian population. Look at those police man around you. unfit, obese and the only weapon in thier hand is
LATTI. With those lattis they are bound to us from the AK-47 and AK 56 of terrorists. Where is our taxes being utilised?? For protecting the politicians? and their family??
Recently i read in a report that out of 7000 NSG's 1700 have been used for protecting these politicians and their family. If they are so scared about their life their own and their family why the hell they are entering into politics.? These politicians pretend to be the Rajas who are encircled/protected by a huge body guard as a symbol. We need fearless politicians who have the courage to mingle with the public who have elected them. Except one gun man, if that too needed be, the remaining commandos, SPG personnel be withdrawn from the protection duty of politicians and put into active duties.
After the shocking incident in Mumbai we have seen how these ungrateful politicians are making comments on lipstics, dogs and declaring that what has happened in Mumbai is a small incident. How shameful?
Why we are going after pakistan saying we have evidence that suggests the terrorists are from Pakistan? When those evidence prove that it is the pakistan navy who trianed those terrorists on sea and the army at pakistan soil who have provided commando trianing to these terrorists. Now we need action. We dont required any sleeping govt.Pakistan govt only helping these D company and terrorists to attck the indians. It is an open secret but still our govt put lame excuses in taking any action against Pak. Cant we able to find out who are those people helping Dcompany and terrorists in India?
Pakistan P.M said they dont have any control over the PoK which is an utter lie. As a matter of immediate corrective measure either we can:-
a) Downgrade the diplomatic relations with Pak including termination of all economic relations till Pak acts against the Let and its terrorist leaders and hands over the listed terrorists wanted by India for trial here.
b)Revamp the RAW with an efficient officer either from the IB or the Army to head it.
c) Re-introduce POTA and also efficient and effective coordination of intelligence in between all security agencies without any big brother mentality.
d) Govt of India should not be afraid to communicate any message to Pak in its true spirit and in proper language.